Caroline is the most amazing tutor! She is currently tutoring both of my daughters for the SAT exam. Both girls have already improved their scores over 300 points!! Caroline’s level of professionalism, knowledge of the SAT exam, along with her top notch organizational skills exceed the highest of standards. We are so fortunate!
My son’s test scores are through the roof after your prep courses. Amanda worked with him on his common application and supplemental essays and I am so impressed with all he has learned and the products he’s produced. Thank you for running a fabulous organization with an amazing ROI!
I just wanted to thank you guys so much for all you’ve done for me during the SAT course. Throughout the SAT course, you guys have been so incredibly helpful in preparing me for the test. Even in a group class, you managed to make us feel like it was a one on one session, and for that, I cannot thank you enough.
I just wanted to take a moment, before SAT scores come in, to thank you for referring us to Jesse. He’s been great for our son in so many ways. He has a great way with young men – he speaks on their level – yet commands their respect and attention. Best of all, he has been a positive influence in the short time he worked with him.
Thank you very much for the tremendous help during the ACT course! I especially appreciated the one-on-one feedback we were able to receive in class as well as the convenience of being able to approach the teacher by email on days where we did not meet. I would gladly enroll in another class.
Hey Marshall –
I felt really confident on the math sections. The easy problems were really easy, and the harder ones were extremely manageable. Thank you so much for all the help these past 10 weeks! There was one question in particular that I looked at and immediately felt bad for kids who didn’t have you and wouldn’t think to plug in numbers.
Hi Allison,
So nice to hear from you! My daughter is deciding between Lehigh and Bucknell. Both terrific choices, can’t go wrong!! You were so helpful in this process and I would recommend you to anyone who asks. Thanks Allison!!
I knew the minute I met Boyi that her quiet confidence would be an inspiration to my daughter. I am proud to say that with Boyi’s help, my daughter scored a perfect 36 on the ACT! This will have a lasting impact on her life forever, and we are grateful to you for introducing us to Boyi.
Laurie did an excellent job preparing our daughter for the SSATs. She also tutored her in Algebra where was she was among the top students in her class. She was delightful to work with and fully committed to the success of our daughter.
Thank you! T. is loving his senior year and is thrilled to be going to Colgate! As always, I will continue to recommend you and your team as my go-to, get-in-to-college secret sauce!
I just got my January SAT scores back, and they jumped 280 points! My December SAT scores were 1800 (680 in Math, 550 in Writing and 570 in Critical Reading). In January, I got a 2080 with 710 in Math, 720 in Writing, and 650 for Critical Reading. Thanks for all the help.
Wow, remote classroom learning worked really, really well for us. Kudos to you for being innovative, creative, and thinking outside the box to problem solve and implement such an enormous switch in a matter of days!
Hi Meg!!
I’m thrilled to report that J. got a 780 on the [Chemistry] SAT Subject Test!!!!!! OMG! Awesome!! Thank you so much for all of your help! He’s so psyched. Thank you so much for all of your work with him. Clearly, it all paid off!!
I wanted to thank you for encouraging me to sign up for the PSAT course. Rick was a fantastic teacher and I’m glad I got to know him before the SAT course. I was thrilled to become a National Merit Finalist but I am even more thrilled to let you know I am one of the scholarship winners! I couldn’t have done it without your program.
I would like to thank you so much for the preparation that you gave me for the math SAT. With your help on the challenging “killer” packets, I earned a 750 with only two questions wrong! I would recommend this course to anyone because you help every student succeed significantly. Thanks again!