Benefits Of The Sophomore PSAT

Benefits of the sophomore PSAT

As a parent of someone who has just entered college and as a teacher with over twenty-four years of experience, I couldn’t recommend strongly enough that children sit for their first PSAT during their sophomore year. It’s the perfect “low stakes” testing environment: the exam doesn’t count toward National Merit;…

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The PSAT – Demystified

The PSAT – Demystified

The Digital Adaptive PSAT: What's the deal? Apparently, it’s not enough that there are two major standardized tests for college admission - the SAT and the ACT.  A test called the PSAT is also out there. What on earth is it good for? Do you need to take it? Do…

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The SSAT or the ISEE?

Contemplating going to a private day or boarding school?  Take the SSAT or the ISEE. Your scores will be used by admissions officers as a supplement to your entire application. Learn more about the exam with this helpful breakdown. The SSAT consists of five sections: Writing Sample*: A two-page, handwritten response…

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The ACT Math – A 5 Step Methodology

The ACT Math – a 5 Step Methodology

For many of my math-averse students, the inherent danger of the ACT Math Section lies not in its complexity, but in its simplicity. It’s no secret: to excel on the math section, you need a basic understanding of the concepts. Unlike the other sections (particularly the Science Section, in which…

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On The ACT Science

On the ACT Science

When talking with students and parents about standardized testing, I am almost always asked about the notorious ACT science section. Negative experiences with biology or chemistry cause strong biases against it, and the realization that topics included are mainly those you’ve never seen exacerbate such sentiments. I understand the hesitation:…

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Carnegie Pollak Is Now Carnegie Prep

Carnegie Pollak is now Carnegie Prep

For over thirty years, Carnegie Pollak has been serving the students of Fairfield and Westchester Counties, offering full-service academic support and comprehensive test preparation. Today, we are thrilled to announce our new name — Carnegie Prep — and expanded web presence. As Carnegie Prep, we remain committed to helping students…

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