What’s Your (college Essay) Story?

What’s your (college essay) story?

So you’re a rising senior, and it is officially college essay season. The rumor mill is actively swirling around you with lots of information about what makes a good essay. The stakes feel very high. After all, people probably can’t stop talking about how important college essays and supplements are.…

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The Subtle Art Of Asking For Teacher Recommendations

The subtle art of asking for teacher recommendations

Each and every year, we see students work tirelessly to achieve the best possible grades, steadily improve their test scores, ensure their extracurricular activities are up to pace, and craft winning college essays and supplements. There is, however, one part of the college application that’s often written off as beyond…

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Student Spotlight: Lindsey Sternthal & The College Essay Process

Student Spotlight: Lindsey Sternthal & the College Essay Process

“Literally everything.”  Lindsey Sternthal’s response to what she spends too much time thinking about offers a small window into all that goes on in her imagination. That “everything” includes, but isn’t limited to, meditations on unconventional mysteries, wonderings about the supernatural, and futures of traveling and living overseas.  Having graduated…

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The Importance Of AP Exams

The importance of AP Exams

Today, colleges are looking to AP Exams as a measure of students’ mastery of academic work, and top scores can play an important role in the college admissions process. The purpose of the AP Exams is to validate a student’s academic achievement in high school, thus providing insight into their…

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